The Liebster Award

This morning I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Kirsten!  Since I’m a new blogger, I had no idea what this “award” was for.  So, after a few minutes of Googling, I learned that the Liebster Award is a fabulous way for new bloggers to gain exposure.  It is given out by bloggers to bloggers.  Liebster is a German word with several definitions, some of which are: dearest, sweetest, beloved, and valued.  The Liebster Award is all about spreading the word + love to beginner/small bloggers and really, how great is that?

Kirsten is a twenty-something year old Hollywood, lifestyle, and travel blogger from Florida.  She’s got a serious eye for style and a woman after my own heart, has a serious love of all things weddings.  I don’t know about you, but I’ll be checking out her Wedding Wednesdays posts each week!  Be sure to check out her blog and show a little love by following.

The rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:

•    Each nominee must have under 300 followers

•    Thank and link the nominating blog

•    Answer their 10 questions and propose 10 new ones for your nominees

•    Nominate 10 blogs and tell them they have been nominated (spread the love!)

The 10 Questions I was asked by Kirsten:

  1. Who are your top 3 favorite celebrities (can be an actress, athlete, designer, etc.) Taylor Swift (no explanation needed), Lea Michele (is there anything she can’t do?), and Ellen (her generosity and humor are both immense).
  2. Dogs or Cats? Dogs! (and buns).
  3. What’s the best thing you ever ate? As a lover of anything sweet, (and the fact that I’m craving chocolate as I type) I’d have to say the chocolate chip crêpes I ate in Québec a number of years ago.
  4. Why did you start your blog? I wanted to have a place to keep track of all my crafts and hopefully inspire/learn from others.
  5. If you could meet any one person, dead or alive, who would it be? Edgar Allan Poe.
  6. If you had to eat one type of food for the rest of your life (without worry of weight gain) what would it be? Any type of chocolate or chocolate peanut butter ice cream.
  7. What’s your favorite tv show, past or present? Too many…Revenge, Gossip Girl, New Girl, Parks and Rec, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, Dexter, How I Met Your Mother, The Office.  Basically I should stop watching tv.
  8. What’s your favorite thing to do in your spare time? Any type of craft, go for a walk, read.
  9. If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? New Zealand.
  10. Is the dress black/blue or white/gold? Okay, at first I thought my husband was CRAZY for seeing black/blue.  I could only see white/gold for the longest time.  Then, once I saw black/blue, I couldn’t un-see it.  I plead the fifth on this one.

The 10 bloggers I nominate for the Liebster Award are:

1.  A Turquoise Lining

2.  johannaiswriting

3.  When You’re Far From Home

4.  Danni and Charlie do craft

5.  The Single Yet Married Mom

6.  lilkatscrafting

7.  thirtyshadesofpink

8.  Cooking, Crafts and Cushing’s Disease

9.  Crafty Owl’s Corner

10.  Gabbing Geek

My 10 questions for you are:

1.  What is your favorite vacation spot?

2.  What is your most prized possession?

3.  Who is your favorite author and why?

4.  You can only take one thing with you to a deserted island…what is it?

5.  Salty or sweet?

6.  What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?

7.  If you could take a free plane ride to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

8.  What is your favorite season?

9.  If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

10.  If you could learn to do anything, what would you do?

Write a post including all of the above, as well as the rules of the post. Happy blogging!

x B

3 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Wow great job! Three hundred followers is a lot! How long did it take you to reach that many? I just started blogging five days ago so I only have thirteen followers, which to me is actually a good start, I think. I hope someday I can catch up to you. Any who, keep up the good work! xoxo


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