First Night

As you know from my last post, yesterday was my first day not using shampoo or conditioner. I wasn’t really expecting too much on the first day, but there were a few things I surprisingly noticed right away. 

After showering:

  • My hair wasn’t tangled at all. Since my hair is so thick, I find that it gets tangled very easily. Eliminating conditioner is a scary thought for me because I assumed it would be a tangled mess, but that wasn’t the case. It was easy to comb through and nice and soft. 
  • Less itch. My scalp was considerably less itchy because the baking soda exfoliates the scalp. 
  • No smell. I was a bit uneasy at the thought that my hair might smell light apple cider vinegar, but after I rinsed it out, the smell went right with it. 
  • Way less frizz. When I get out of the shower normally, I put in a generous amount of anti-frizz cream, but last night I skipped it. My hair dries really slowly, but it usually starts frizzing right away. I was really surprised to find that although there was still frizz, it was much less. I even slept on it while it was damp and when I woke, instead of the usual crazy fro, it was noticeably more straight.   

Day after:

  • My hair looks and feels very clean. The texture isn’t different than it normally is, aside from feeling slightly smoother. 
  • Less scalp dryness and dandruff.   

In a few days I’m sure I’ll hit the transition period, but for now I’m very happy with the results!

x B

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